
Cayman Institute of Technology’s degree programs and courses are what Cayman has been in high demand for many years. Construction and design is a growing industry and having a school like C.I.T will benefit our islands greatly.
The teachers at Cayman Institute of Technology are highly qualified and experienced; they provide students with hands on experience regarding the construction work field. They are dedicated to creating a new era of designers and will work with individuals at any desirable pace throughout their lectures/studios. Classes are intimately small which will help with one on one assistance. This is a school that you will not only gain valuable qualifications but from you will also gain a new perspective on the construction industry throughout their inspirational program selections. If it wasn’t for the C.I.T family I would have never obtained such an ambitious outlook regarding myself and the quality of work I initiate. The C.I.T. family are motivational and are truly fulfilling their college motto “Creating the Future Today”!


Cecile Panton – Interior Designer

I am an Interior Designer in the Cayman islands. My studies in Architecture and Building Technology jas furnished me with a sound knowledge of construction practices and a greater understanding of sustainable building design and concepts.

What I like most about Cayman Institute of Technology is the Lecturers passion for teaching and their dedication to sustainable development in the Cayman Islands.

One comment

  1. Hilary Brewster says:

    Just a great Institution

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