
The Office of Quality Assurance & Institutional Standards

The Office of Quality Assurance and Institutional Standards (QA&IS) resides within the Office of the President of CIT, which has the important responsibility for the design, development and implementation of CIT ‘s system for quality assurance and accreditation. This system encompasses a  pragmatic and  integrated approach to institutional research that facilitates strategic planning and evidence–based decision–making. This office is supported by Information and Communication Technology that facilitates effective communication among institutional stakeholders.

The office is led  the President with responsibility for:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Institutional Standards
  • Knowledge and Compliance Systems

Role of QA&IS

The Office of Quality Assurance and Institutional Standards contributes to the achievement of CIT’s mission by being the leader and driving force for:

  • A strong , university–wide quality assurance system that is evidence–based and reinforced  by self–evaluation and external review
  • Innovative  approach to institutional research that captures, produces and disseminates information to facilitate and improve decision–making and strategic planning
  • A commitment   to Continuous Quality Improvement  that is driven by the institutional mission and supported by new and emerging technologies technologies.

CIT  Quality Management System (QMS)  is evaluated for its effectiveness, outcomes and sustainability. The primary purpose of quality assurance within the context of CIT is to ensure quality, accountability, transparency and continuous quality improvement.


Means providing a high–quality learning environment and experience for students, an atmosphere of constant challenges and reward for faculty and staff. Having a distinctly high quality distinguishing trait and product,  that  meets the needs of all stakeholders.


Relies on taking individual and/or collective ownership of processes and responsibility for outcomes.

Refers to ensuring that all of our operations and systems can be effectively scrutinized and inspected for internal and external compliance.
Continuous Quality Improvement

Is based on systematically assessment of  CIT’s operations and system and using feedback to enhance future performance.

The Quality Framework

There are (3) three key components of CIT Quality Assurance Framework:

  • Self–evaluation
  • Internal Quality Audit
  • External Review and accreditation

The Office of Quality Assurance & Institutional Standards is  the important responsibility for ensuring that CIT is guided by its Quality Policy in the achievement of its institutional goals.