About Us

At CIT, our aim is to inspire people to discover and apply their intellectual and creative potential and contribute responsibly to the Cayman society and the Caribbean region. Our focus is on educating people to make a viable contribution to the various problems that exist in our society.  At CIT students learn to reason, adapt, innovate, communicate and grow so they can respond to rapid changes in the workforce, the society and the world as a whole.

The demand for Technological and professional development programmes and personnel worldwide, have led to expansion of most technological learning institutions. Large sums of money are spent on technology and technological education.

The Board of Directors of CIT is committed to maintaining a technological focus. We will respond to the needs of our students by offering:

  • Flexible class hours
  • Flexible and online learning options.
  • Team learning (collaboration with other Universities)
  • Current and relevant courses
  • Encouraging research

Discovery learning that involves problem solving.

Our aim is to continue to foster relationships with industry, and with the professions and the communities we serve and tertiary institutions in the region and the world.


CIT aims to create within the Cayman Islands and Caribbean region of a learning Society which offers opportunity, and strives for quality and harmony in the divers tertiary education environment.

CIT  endeavors to:

  • Promote institutional development
  • Enhance the quality of programmes
  • Facilitate Accreditation, Equivalency & Articulation (AEA) arrangement
  • Provide enrichment opportunities for staff; and
  • Enable students to become creative & productive citizens


Cayman Institute of Technology is intent on delivering superior, progressive education, to innovatively solve problems that meet the needs of the workforce of the region and the world as well as preserving and improving human life through technology.

The institute is committed to foreseeing and forecasting futuristic problems and discovering creative ways to solve them. We seek to instill in each member of the CIT community the ability to discover solutions that would solve problems of the region and the world in the 21st century and beyond.